I have heard it all when it comes to interview strategy. Interestingly, hiring managers love to tell you how they go about an interview and why. They get excited about sharing, which is great! But what I do not hear are very good strategies. Well, I should say, the process frequently is not strategic. As I have researched, there seems to be little publishing on the business side of interviewing.
It is amazing that the human capital line expense of any company is one of the most significant expenses to run an organization, yet little or any thought is used in the process.
Everyone has their own opinion, which of course is the best way to go from their perspective. But almost never do I hear anyone speak about the Psychology of the Search, which really is the heart of the strategy.
What is the Psychology of Search? It is the process, whereby as a hiring manager, makes a candidate so comfortable in your presence that they disclose unfiltered thoughts. That is right- we do not want the buttoned-up, practiced, mannerly, toe the line experience. We want to get into the nitty gritty, so we know who is going to show up every day.
How do you do that? Well, I cannot tell you all my secrets, but what I can share is that if you center the discussions around THEM, make it about them, then the information will reveal itself. What hiring managers tend to do is give all the answers up in the first part of the interview, feeding information, or worse— talking at them! Sophisticated candidates know how to use that information to their advantage.